Each year hard drives become larger and provide more storage for data, such as more: photos, videos, music and documents. With human nature, increased storage space leads to more storage used. And as the number of files on your computer multiplies, information becomes difficult to locate and people find themselves lost under mountains of files. Mo-Search is a solution for your needs. Mo-Search is a secure and user-friendly application designed to help you get control of your computer's data. By quickly and easily locating files and lost data, your time once again becomes your own.
Mo-Search Advantages:
Ranked And Sorted Results: During each search, files are scored by relevance and sorted to maximize your search productivity. So, you quickly find what you are looking for.
Easy To Use: Relevant files are quickly located and sorted by Score, so your computer does the searching, not you.
100% Free (As in $0.00 and Spyware/Adware-Free). We much prefer improving many people's LiVES (for free) to making a buck off of a select few... or much worse: slamming innocent peoples computers with malicious Spyware. (We are big fans of free Spyware Removal tools such as Ad-aware and SpyBot)
Search Networked Drives (shares). Some competitors provide a free, yet neutered, search tool that prohibits searching networked drives.
FileViewer With Highlighted Matches quickly displays file contents and matches without launching separate applications.
EXIF quickView displays adjacent to Integrated FileViewer when an image contain EXIF data.
Find Duplicate Files tool: Quickly locate and cleanup duplicate files.
Find File Types tool: Quickly calculate which file types are using the most space.
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